Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ah, workin' again.

Well, figured I'd start this blog off the right way. Got myself a new job. So, now I'm working for Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Idaho as a PC technician. Mainly doing upgrades for them, but miscellaneous stuff as well. So I got to work this morning, did a bunch of HR crap, and then was introduced to my new co-workers. Come to find out that I had worked with one of them before at a previous job. Anyway, I got there and did a whole lot of standing around. Mainly because the storage office they wanted to commandeer wasn't available as of yet. Apparently it has to go through six different managers to get the OK to vacuum a room....hmm. I can see where this one's going. Anyway, we finally found some old PC's that needed to be wiped and reimaged, so we grabbed those and then went to lunch. I got back and started getting the old info off, and did some more sittin' around. Oh well, for $15/hr, I'm not gonna complain.

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